Raising the Bar for Etsy Sellers

I have Etsy set up on my Google alerts to keep up on cool stuff that is happening in the Etsy community all over the world. Today I saw something really interesting from the Huffington Post. The article was about “The Hidden Economy of Women Online.” Something particular caught my eye, not just something about how Etsy is a good place to buy in a poor economy, but one of the most creative ideas I have seen come out of Etsy. Little Brown Pen has taken DIY marketing to a whole new level. Little Brown Pen created an adorable video, it reminds me a little bit of the HP commercials, where all you see is someones hands moving around. It is not a video saying hey buy my products, but it is an absolutely perfect demonstration of how easy it is to use the ready to print pdf templates at Little Brown Pen.

To all the etsy sellers out there, we should learn a lesson from Little Brown Pen, it has really raised the bar. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did.


Filed under Fabulous Artists and Products

11 responses to “Raising the Bar for Etsy Sellers

  1. I love that so much and enjoyed it lots! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Total genius! Fantastic video and marketing perfection!

  3. That’s fantastic!

    My 21 month yr old daughter and I are at the kitchen table playing play doh…when the video started I turned the laptop so she could watch it with me…we were dancing in our chairs and loving the whole thing!

    Great video…awesome idea…bravo!

  4. that’s so totally cool! thanks for sharing – what a cute video.

  5. Great video!! Loved it. Now… how to make that work with pottery!?

  6. What a wonderful video. Alot of work, but very well done. Happy Holidays.!!

  7. That was fantastic! I loved it. Thanks for making me aware of it…off to check out Little

  8. That was soo cute! I have to go check out that shop now!

  9. Way too cute…Thanks for sharing that delightfull video.

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